
                            UPDATE LIBRARY

Miscellaneous Software and Updates

PSQL Installs
Actian PSQL v13:
PSQL Workgroup Update Server 1 or Update Server 2
PSQL Server Update Server 1 or Update Server 2

Actian PSQL v12 with SP1:

PSQL Workgroup Update Server 1  or Update Server2

PSQL Server Update Server 1  or Update Server2


Pervasive v11:

PSQL Workgroup Update Server 1 or Update Server 2

PSQL Server Update Server 1 or Update Server 2


Legacy PSQL:

PSQL 8.6 Install

PSQL 8.6 Zip File

PSQL Workgroup 10 Install

PSQL Server 10 Install

Make Pervasive.SQL an NT Service


Data Files:
MIKE Double Layer Nesting Text Import File

IKE Firproofing UL Design Import File Downloads
Ckick on the above link to download self extracing zip files of UL Design codes fo fireproofing materials.  See how-to guide for instruction on how to import in the IKE Fireproofing System.

MIKE XV Flat Work Library Files This is a Self Extracting ZIP file that will install the beginning Flat Work Library Files into the MIKE XV database.  It will prompt you to overwrite any existing files.  There may be empty existing files so if you are sure you want to install, click on yes when prompted to overwrite. 

MIKE XV Estimate 500 Flat Work Example  This is an exported MIKE XV Estimate in a ZIP file.  It contains an example Flat Work Estimate. It can be imported as any new Estimate Number in MIKE XV.


USERPROC3.DLL  If you get an error after doing a full update saying that the system couldn't find this file, please download this file and put it in the folder where the Magic Deployment runtime is installed.



KeyLok Drivers and Utilities:

(White and Green USB Licensing devices)

KeyLokII Driver (Green KeyLok only)

Select "USB" device when prompted during the install.

If you are reinstalling the KeyLokII Driver, you much...

1) Disconnect the device from your computer.

2) Run the "KeyLokII Driver" install, and select the "Uninstall" option.

3) Run the "KeyLokII Driver" install agian, and select the "USB" option.


KeyLokII Remote Update

Use this program and the Update File emailed to you from Comput-Ability, to update your KeyLokII.



Legacy HASP Utilities:

(Purple USB Licensing device for MIKE 2000)

DO NOT have HASP key plugged into computer while running any install or uninstall utilities.


HASP Driver - Windows 2000 & Windows XP


HASP Check Utility

Comput-Ability Check Utility to show HASP Flags.

HASP Control Update

Magic83 HASP reader:  Run this only if MIKE 2000 install CD was created prior to Jan. 01, 2000

HASP Remote Update

HASP Remote Update allows Comput-Ability staff to remotely added licenses to you HASP.

HASP4 Uninstall Utility

This Utility will create a folder on your C: drive named C:\HASP4CMD.  Run the Uninstall.bat file in this directory to uninstall all HASP drivers.  After running reboot computer and install new HASP drivers. 

HASP Reinstall Video

HASP Reinstall How-To PDF



Microsoft Updates

Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 (x86)

Microsoft .NET Jsharp (x86) 32 BIT

Microsoft .NET Jsharp (x64) 64 BIT



Tripp-Lite USB to Serial Driver (VISTA)


Please close this window after downloading files to

 return to the Main Comput-Ability, Inc. web site.