IKE 2000+ Program Updates

To download file (s) below, click on file (s) and save to your computer. Take note as to where your computer saves the file. Then run the ".exe" from your computer.

Note: These files are not version upgrades. For information about an upgrade, please contact COMPUT-ABILITY, Inc.


Acoustical Ceilings 2000.312 06/29/2007 10:37 am 0.9 Mb
Drywall 2000.213 08/02/2007 3:04 pm 1.2 Mb
Fireproofing 2000.161 06/29/2007 10:38 am 1.0 Mb
Plaster 2000.101 06/29/2007 10:38 am 1.1 Mb
Project 2000.101 08/20/2002 11:18 am 0.5 Mb



Please close this window after downloading files to return to the Main Comput-Ability, Inc. web site.